7 Critical Leadership Skills You Need in 2022

Corinna Hagen
5 min readFeb 7, 2022

Teams are changing as the world of business evolves, and so are their needs and demands. For some, the leadership model has been flipped upside down in 2021. In 2022, leaders need these new, critical leadership skills to excel.

How To Be A Better Leader In 2022

When you think about how our world has shifted over the past two years, you can see how new trends are emerging. And so, what skills will be critical for business leaders in 2022?

According to a recent study, the answer may surprise you. In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, leaders will need to possess new and innovative skills in order to remain relevant and effective. Here are just a few of the skills that will be essential for success in 2022.

1 • The Ability to Anticipate and Plan For the Future

Business leaders in 2022 will need a lens on the future, an awareness of how their industry is changing, what skill sets workers will need, and how they can best lead others. Have you built time into your calendar to stay informed on trends and to contemplate? Take it from Bill Gates, who stated in this 1-minute video together with Warren Buffett, that time to think and plan may well be your higher priority as a leader.

2 • The Ability to Cultivate an Innovative Workforce

One of the most essential skills for business leaders in 2022 will be the ability to innovate. Not just when it comes to technology but also when it comes to changes in workplace culture and employee engagement.

Leaders must inspire their people and companies forward by developing a collaborative, innovative, and supportive workplace. This may require a shift in your approach to leadership.

I encourage you to take a look at your habitual responses and style of leadership in light of this. Explore other options to engage your team and drive collaboration, innovation and support. You can do this by paying attention to emerging trends in this area on your LinkedIn feed or by exploring the options directly with your coach.

3 • The Ability to Be the Ultimate Decision-Maker &…



Corinna Hagen

Founder of Zaradigm.com, an executive communication firm. I write about leadership and business communication 1 x month in the “Leading Choices” newsletter.