Stunningly Practical Ways To Find Your Authentic Leadership Style

Corinna Hagen
10 min readNov 7, 2022

We previously looked at 12 prominent leadership styles and six leadership frameworks to lay the foundation for understanding their usefulness and limitations. In today’s edition of Leading Choices we look at ways to find your authentic leadership style and cover part two in the three-part series on leadership styles:

Part 1 — Definition of Leadership Styles and Frameworks and When They Work Best

Part 2 — How to Find Your Personal Leadership Style (and Remain Authentic)

Part 3 — Creating Your Leadership Brand (And Share It In Job Interviews)

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Why Finding Your Leadership Style Matters

If you have been turned down for a leadership role or promotion because you were ”lacking gravitas” or have been told you are “missing important tangibles” without further elaboration, you know something is missing. If your manager or peers are not able…



Corinna Hagen

Founder of, an executive communication firm. I write about leadership and business communication 1 x month in the “Leading Choices” newsletter.